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Beginner Exercises


Before starting to learn Patterns the beginning student will learn three basic exercise sequences. These sequences teach the student the most fundamental movements and co-ordination skills that will enable them to progress in their training. All subsequent training is based on the foundations that these three exercises lay. A student who does not learn and develop these skills to their highest possible level will not achieve their full potential.


The three exercises are; Saju Jirugi Method 1, Saju Jirugi 2, and Saju Makgi


These exercises, which utilise the diagram of a cross, focus on forwards and backwards movement whilst co-ordinating hand techniques. Whilst performing the exercise the student should imagine that they are defending against and countering an attack from each of the four directions of the cross. The student will defend against and attack each direction in turn. The exercises rotate in 2 directions; the performer will turn anticlockwise for the first half of the exercise and clockwise for the second. On the final technique of each exercise the student will give a loud ‘kihap’. The student should stay in the final position until given the command ‘Barrol’ to return to Ready Stance (Narani Chunbi Sogi).


Saju Jirugi - Method 1

The exercise combines a fore-fist front punch stepping forwards and a low section outer forearm block stepping backwards whilst turning through 90˚. Click for a detailed description.


Saju Jirugi – Method 2

The exercise combines a fore-fist front punch stepping forwards and a middle section inner forearm block stepping backwards whilst turning through 90˚. Click for a detailed description.


Saju Makgi

The exercise combines a low section knife hand block stepping backwards and a middle section inner forearm block stepping forwards. Click for a detailed description.

Saju Makgi is an indicator of a students understanding of correct chamber position by combining blocks with opposite chamber positions; with middle block the blocking arm starts to the outside of the chamber arm whereas with low block the blocking arm starts to the inside of the chamber arm.


Practice and Study outside class

To become truly proficient at Taekwon-do requires a great deal of practice. Two hours training per week is the minimum required to perform Taekwon-do. However to become truly proficient in Taekwon-do will require additional practice away from class. Practicing your chosen art requires very little space; little more than a couples of paces forwards and backwards. Many Black Belts can perform a pattern which consists of 40+ moves in an area less than 2 metres square. The more you practice the quicker you will progress and the less time will be spent going over basics in class. Remember that you will only get out of Taekwon-do what you chose to put in.

What is a Pattern?


Patterns are sets of basic attacking and defending movements set in logical sequences which mimic encounters with imaginary opponents. It is very important that the beginning student understands this at the start of their training. Without this understanding students will merely perform a sequence of moves without understanding their purpose and not performing them realistically.


Patterns are the means by which students learn a wide range of techniques. Patterns become progressively more complex and the techniques more technically challenging as the student progresses through the various grades. Patterns enable the student to learn and develop techniques before having to use them in a self defence situation. They also indicate a students progress and help with evaluating a students technique.



The following should be considered when performing patterns


1.     Patterns should begin and end on the same spot to demonstrate accuracy


2.     Every move should be performed with correct facing and correct posture


3.     The muscles should be tensed and relaxed at the correct moment whilst the technique is in motion. This is a crucial element in achieving maximum power.


4.     All movements should appear smooth and rhythmic without any apparent stiffness


5.     Movements should be accelerated and decelerated with the correct timing. As with item 3 this is a crucial element in achieving maximum power.


6.     The student should perfect each pattern in turn. Do not be tempted to rush ahead as this may lead to poorly developed techniques being transferred to the higher grade patterns


7.     Learn and understand the purpose and application of each movement


8.     Always practice your techniques with realism. A technique learned half heartedly will be a technique which fails when used in self defence


9.     Practice hand and foot techniques both left and right handed. This will ensure that you become a well balanced student able to react appropriately whatever side the attack comes from.


Why 24 Patterns?


Major General Choi Hong Hi compared the life of man with a day in the life of the earth. A day consists of 24 hours hence 24 Patterns. A man’s life is very short when compared to the age of the earth and yet all too often a man will become a slave to material gain all of which he will end up losing when he passes on. The General believed our time would be better spent striving to bequeath a good spiritual legacy to future generations rather than becoming pre-occupied with personal gain. The Generals Legacy to Mankind was Taekwon-do.


In the words of the Founder;

'Here I leave Taekwon-do as a trace of a man of the late 20th century, the 24 Patterns represent one day or all of my life'.


For a fuller explanation visit: http://www.comdo.com/patterns.html


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