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Performance of techniques



All students initially feel very self conscious when they are expected to exhale sharply making a noise. Students should be aware that they stand out more when they don’t exhale sharply. The strong exhalation is an extremely important ingredient in the performance of any technique. The focussed breathing increases the tension in the abdomen adding power to the technique. It also focuses the students breathing and technique into one co-ordinated action again adding power.


Speed (of limb movement)


When performing any technique it is important that the student accelerates the technique to its maximum speed to deliver maximum power to the target. Slow limb movement equates to low power delivery. If you imagine a bullet thrown at a person the bullet will bounce off them with little or no impact felt. If however the same bullet is fired from a gun it will pass straight through the person and probably several others as well. The only difference between the two is the speed of travel. It is important that the student does not confuse speed of limb movement with performing stances and techniques together in fast motion. This will be explained more clearly in practice in class.


Sine Wave


Sine Wave (sometimes called 'Knee Spring') is the up and down movement which enables the student to add body mass to the technique. When performing the Sine Wave the body mass rises up and is then dropped into the technique at the moment of impact. Sine Wave will add power to a technique in both static and stepping techniques provided the delivery of technique coincides with the mass dropping to its final resting point. Your instructor will be able to demonstrate this far more easily than a written explanation.


Hip Twist


All Taekwon-do techniques begin with a backward motion. This backward motion is enhanced if the student draws the hip back at the same time. The hip is then accelerated forwards adding additional upper body movement to the technique being delivered. Your instructor will again be able to demonstrate this far more easily than a written explanation. The co-ordination of hip twist, sine wave and technique acceleration enables the student to deliver the technique with a great deal of power.




Whenever a technique is performed the student should attempt to bring all the actions together to complete the movement at the moment of footfall or the completion of the sine wave in the case of static techniques. This will allow maximum body weight and or forwards motion to add maximum energy to the technique. If the foot lands before the technique then all that forward momentum is lost and only the weight and speed of movement of the limb delivering the technique will determine the degree of power delivered.


Saving Energy


Taekwon-do is an extremely powerful art. It is also very exhausting if performed poorly. When delivering any technique the student should feel relaxed right up to the point of technique delivery at which point all the muscle groups used in that technique become tensed. Upon delivery of the technique the student should relax again saving energy for the next technique. Taekwon-do is a very fluid art requiring little effort in the build up to a technique. If the student has their muscles tensed from the start of a technique right way through to completion it can be compared to driving a car with the brakes and the accelerator depressed at the same time. One will counteract the other providing a technique with little or no power and one which will use far more energy that is necessary.

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