Heart of England - ITF and Lloyd TKD Schools Student Theory |
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Welcome to the Heart of England-ITF and Lloyd TKD Schools Student Theory Pages
The information contained in these pages is split into General Information and Grade Specific Information. They form a basic on-line handbook. This is a work in progress and will be expanded and enhanced in the months and years ahead. Do check back regularly for updates. If there are aspects of theory you would like to see included please pass your ideas on through you Instructor or email Webmaster@heartofengland-itf.org.uk.
The Contents page, which can be reached by clicking the tab above, contains links to different paragraphs giving information about specific aspects of your training. At the top of the page are a series of tabs which give access to Grade specific Theory. Much of this Theory is also provided in downloadable PDF file format for studying when off-line. You will need a suitable program to read and work with these files. Adobe reader can be downloaded free at http://www.adobe.com
The Study of Theory
Why do we need to learn Theory? The reason can be found in the philosophy of Um and Yang (the Korean name for Yin and Yang). The idea of equal and opposite, is shown in many aspects of life; light and dark, hard and soft, male and female, hot and cold, fast and slow, practical and theoretical. The physical performance of Taekwon-do is balanced by the study of the Taekwon-do terminology and the philosophical teachings of the Korean culture. The Korean flag - Tae Keuk Ki - symbolises this very philosophy.
For many learning Theory is difficult at best and for some a very daunting prospect especially when confronted with the idea of learning the Korean language. We will try to make the experience as painless as possible especially for the younger students. Remember that theory can mean the difference between a pass or fail at a grading. If your theory knowledge is lacking then you will be reliant on exceptional practical skills, however if you have very good theory then this will support your practical work. Take the time to read 20 to 30 minutes each week and you will find Taekwon-do theory a lot easier. Good Luck!
Korean Pronunciation: You are not expected to be able to hold a conversation in Korean and are not expected to be able to pronounce the terms and phrases as a native Korean. You are expected unless told otherwise to read and pronounce the terms and phrases with English pronunciation. We are fortunate that the Korean we have to learn is very logical and that we are able to construct phrases using our knowledge of Individual Terms; for example an Outer Forearm Low Block is Bakat Palmok Najunde Makgi; Outer = Bakat, Forearm = Palmok, Low (or low section) = Najunde and Block = Makgi. As your knowledge of Korean Terms expands you will find you are able to generate phrases by using the Korean for individual terms.
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If you have any questions about theory which are not covered in these pages then you should first speak to your Instructor. However if you are desperate for an answer then email the Webmaster@heartofengland-itf.org.uk. |