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Power Testing is used to assess an individual’s power and performance of techniques. These techniques may be both hand and foot. This section in no way attempts to teach you how to undertake these tests. That is the responsibility of your Instructor who has the knowledge and experience to determine what is or is not appropriate for your age, grade and abilities. This section will give you some outline does and don'ts to help keep you safe.
Board Breaking is optional for anyone undertaking Power Testing either in class or as part of their grading. Students may choose to perform all their Power Testing against Kick Shields or Pads. This choice will not affect whether or not they pass their grading.
1. Power is demonstrated in several ways;
a. By breaking pine boards b. By breaking reformable full sized plastic boards (16 years and over only) c. By breaking reformable junior plastic boards (Juniors to 15 years) d. Performance of techniques against kick shields or student pads
2. Only students over the age of 16 will be permitted to break using the full sized plastic reformable boards. Juniors may be permitted to break Junior Boards but only with Instructor / Grading Examiner approved techniques. Juniors under 16 must not attempt to break boards with a front punch.
3. Students are not to attempt any board breaking techniques unless the Instructor is present and is supervising the activity. Board breaking is potentially hazardous and those practicing it must only do so after they have been taught correct techniques. There is no place in the Dojang or Training Hall for bravado. Board breaking using incorrect technique and or use of excessive board numbers or density of boards may lead to serious injury. Breaking requires conditioning of the hands and feet. The Instructor will explain how this may be achieved. Difficulty of breaking will progress in stages according to the Instructors assessment of each individual. Students may only break multiple boards when the Instructor tells them that they are ready to do so.
4. Boards can be hand held or placed on a breaking frame. Your Instructor will demonstrate correct holding technique. If boards are to be hand held they must be held appropriately with the fingers kept as clear as possible of the front / target area of the board. Board holders must be alert to the possibility of being struck, either by the person making the break or by the parts of the boards following the break. The board holders should always keep their arms locked to fully support the board and if possible retain a grip on the board pieces following the break to avoid injuries to their head, torso, legs or feet. It is recommended that board holders wear footwear when manually holding a board. Sparring foot guards can be used for this. Notify your Instructor or the Grading Examiner if you suffer any injury whilst holding boards.
5. Students are not to attempt any breaking techniques if they have any pre-existing injuries to their hands or feet. Always notify your Instructor if you have any injuries which may be exacerbated by Power Testing. If you suffer an injury whilst Power Testing you must stop immediately and notify your instructor or the Grading Examiner. Do not carry on regardless.
6. If a breaking frame is used it must be supported to ensure that it does not tip over during the performance of breaking techniques. Persons supporting the frame should ensure that they keep their feet clear of the frame legs to avoid injuries and that they keep their arms locked to fully support the frame and avoid it tipping on to them.
7. Where power testing is performed against pads or kick shields, the holders must be able to deal with the techniques, size of person utilising them and the anticipated power level. The student performing techniques against a kick shield or pad must ensure that the holder is ready before attempting the technique. Keep pads and shields away from the face where any impact on the pad may be transmitted to the head. The Instructor will demonstrate the correct technique for holding pads and kick shields.
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