Heart of England-ITF Student Theory

Green Belt Crossword Puzzle

This crossword puzzle has been created to help you learn Green Belt theory. If a question has a 2 or more word answer then the words are separated by a hyphen, ie 'pyun joomuk taerigi' would be entered as 'pyun-joomuk-taerigi'. The questions and spellings used are based on the Heart of England Theory Sheets available at http://www.heartofengland-itf.org.uk or http://www.lloydtaekwondo.com. All the questions can be viewed below. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number. Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Answers are not case sensitive. When you have completed the puzzle just close the window to exit. Remember to click the question number in the grid and then enter the full answer in the box and not the grid.
1                  2           
7                     8        
  14                 15          
  17                     18      
      20                 21      


1. Hand-Parts
3. Forefist
4. Closed-Ready-Stance
6. Upward-Palm-Block
7. Inward-Knifehand-Strike
9. Back-Fist
10. Pattern with 28 movements
11. Side-Elbow-Strike
12. X-Fist
13. Fingertips
16. Pressing-Block
17. Two-Step-Sparring
19. Palm
20. Bending-Stance
21. Back
22. Knifehand
23. Back-Heal


1. Three-Step-Semi-free-Sparring
2. Footsword
5. Ball-of-Foot
8. Fixed-Stance
9. Circular-Block
14. Waist-Block
15. Foot-Parts
18. Instep